Harlem Online â This propaganda film was partly inspired by the story of the first Italian heavyweight champion Primo Carnera who, after winning the title with Al Caponeâs help in 1933, was beaten the following year by the Jewish Max Bear and then again by the âBrown Bomberâ Detroit Joe Lewis in June 1935, on the eve of the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. This match provoked numerous racial skirmishes on the streets of Harlem between the Black community and pro-Fascist Italian-Americans. The film overturns historical facts and here, obviously, it is the white boxer who wins in order to demonstrate the superiority of the âAryan Italiansâ over the âsinister Jewish entrepreneursâ and the âsavage Afro-American fans in Yankee Stadiumâ. In the film, these were played by South African prisoners-of-war interred in a work camp, which the German and Italian propaganda ministries had set up near CinecittĂ âfor cinematic purposesâ.