A group of relatively young (30-35 years), college-educated, smart, urban people, whose youth was destroyed in the events during the breakup of...
Lost and Found
The film shows how the whole society changes in war conditions, i.e. human nature in all layers of society, to incredible proportions.
The Communist Paradise
40 days after the suicide of Branko, a former boxer, a local dandy from the blocks, loved by his surroundings, his son Luka becomes suspicious that...
The Silencer
While a deadly conspiracy was plotted against him to thwart the liberation of Serbia from the Ottoman rule, the Serbian Duke, in love with his much...
The Duke and the Poet
During the excavation of ancient Roman ruins, an old archaeology professor accidentally opens the gate between our world and the world of the dead.
Meeting Place
A short film about "modern slavery", i.e. human trafficking.
Si Tu Timazin