The events of the film revolve in one day around Sultan, a veteran criminal who was released from prison. But, he is surprised by the appearance of...
Ali - an eccentric pediatrician - is preparing to marry his beloved Dalia. Their happiness takes a dangerous turn after Dalia's criminal father,...
Abo Nasab
The events revolve around a police officer who fights an international gang smuggling antiquities in many European countries. His path intersects...
The Black Land: Kemet
The film revolves around Sorour, a businessman who loves a girl called Hannah, but gets involved with a gang and has to run away from them.
The Night of Hana and Sorour
The film revolves around a comedy about a special forces unit being assigned to rescue the Egyptian ambassador to India after he was kidnapped, but...
Inferno in India
Stuntman Badr the Diesel lives in a poor neighborhood. He meets Donia El- Sayad, a famous movie star, whose assistant, Afaf, is Badr’s...
The Diesel