A comedy centered on three museum security guards who devise a plan to steal back the artworks to which they have become attached after they are...
The Maiden Heist
When a fiercely competitive 30 year old rower fails to make the Olympic boat for the second time, she takes a coaching job at a school but struggles...
Jessica (Wynn Everett) travels to New York City to help her sister but she is nowhere to be found. As she delves into a world of darkness and lies...
The Collective
In the 1980s U.S. Rep. Charlie Wilson, Texas socialite Joanne Herring and CIA agent Gust Avrakotos form an unlikely alliance to boost funding for...
Charlie Wilson's War
An elderly dentist, contemplating the end of his life, is visited by a most unexpected patient - an encounter that sends the dentist on a jarring and...
A contemporary comedy about ex-couple Russ and Anna, who discover that Merv – the dog they share custody of – has become depressed due to...
Life was easy for Jackson White. With looks, brains, and athletic ability,the world's possibilities seemed limitless. But, when he came to Los...
Don't Fade Away
A short film about work and its power to define how we see ourselves. It was an official selection of several international film festivals including...
The Company Man
After 12 years in prison, former high school football star Eddie Palmer returns home to put his life back together—and forms an unlikely bond...
A story of the close friendship of country music stars Patsy Cline and Loretta Lynn.
Patsy & Loretta