Virgil, an eccentric freak billionaire, spends his days being a "biological inventor." The "blood dolls," his newest creation, aid him in getting...
Blood Dolls
Yeshua of Nazareth carefully plans his own crucifixion — and subsequent resurrection — to strengthen his political position against the...
The Passover Plot
A newlywed couple checks into an old hotel in New Orleans where the wife begins having dreams in which she encounters a sinister group of people who...
A sultry Italian maid unlocks a couple's secret chamber and unleashes a private fantasy. An architect is lured by a mysterious beauty into a torrid...
Red Shoe Diaries 4: Auto Erotica
The legendary Ravenwolf Towers, once home to Hollywood’s Elite, has fallen on hard times. Now the latest Assistant Manager is discovering the...
Ravenwolf Towers
In a small Russian town at the turn of the century, three sisters and their brother live but dream daily of their return to their former home in...
The Three Sisters
An aspiring avant-garde composer rapes a fashion model. When she takes him to court, she's slut-shamed by the defense and the man is exonerated. But...
Paul Slater, a down and out saxophone player, runs into his former lover at his nightclub in Buenos Aires. Tricia seduces Paul into helping her kill...
Play Murder for Me