During World War II, a brave, patriotic American Soldier undergoes experiments to become a new supersoldier, "Captain America". Racing to Germany to...
Captain America
James Garner is Luther Sledge, the leader of a pack of rebels who are planning to steal a stash of gold. But after the thieves actually manage to get...
A Man Called Sledge
Mike Sturges and his younger brother, Roy, are sentenced to Yuma Penitentiary on a trumped-up train robbery charge. Both endure cruel treatment...
A Long Ride from Hell
Rand Martin stars in this tense actioner as a drug runner who decides to turn the tables on his longtime employer -- a powerful druglord and gangster...
Barnet, a bandit, and the eight men of his band lie waiting in a Texan village. Having confined the people of the village to their homes, they rob...
Hey Amigo! A Toast to Your Death
Smooth and lethal gunfighter Lee Calloway helps three bandit brothers escape from jail under the condition that they give him fifty percent of the...
Sartana in the Valley of Death
Johnny Texas is asked to inquire about the death of Prescott, a rich landowner accused of having robbed a postal wagon. His investigation upsets...
God Will Forgive My Pistol
Forced to abandon their land that was sold to the United States, a group of Mexicans turns into bandits. Their leader, Rojas, with the help of Trevor...
Death Knows No Time
An American spy travels to Beirut where he's attacked by agents seeking a valuable microfilm.
Man On The Spying Trapeze
Three bad girls go good in this Southern-fried treat from 1980. When Margo (Gwen Owens), Carol (Cathy Carson) and Maria (Juanita Curiel) get released...
Smokey and the Judge
A group of gangsters escape from prison and attempt to destroy a rival organisation holed up in a convent in Mexico.
American troops land unopposed on Italian beaches during World War II, but instead of pushing on to Rome, they dig in and the Germans fight back...
A man, released after a jail term for a crime he did not commit, raises a gang to go after the man who framed him.
Today We Kill, Tomorrow We Die!
Mike returns home in order to leave his gunfighting days behind him and settle down on a farm with his old sweetheart but things do not go as...
Wrath of God
A film crew struggles to finish a motorcycle-stunt epic despite repeated threats of sabotage from the mob.
Hollywood Man