Bimbisara is a ruthless emperor of Trigarthala in 500 BC. In unexpected circumstances, Bimbisara travels in time and reaches the current day not...
The sudden demise of the celebrated leader PKR leaves the ruling party in a political crisis and shakes up the family. The party has to elect a...
As three cousins embrace the warmth of a new city, they also face challenges that transform their lives.
Yaariyan 2
Romance blossoms between young Sushrut and Michelle when they meet during the festival of Navratri. When Michelle returns home to the United Kingdom,...
Chulbul this time has to take on a criminal named Balli Singh, who has disrupted other people's lives with his annoying antics.
Dabangg 3
Challenged to compose 100 songs before he can marry the girl he loves, a tortured but passionate singer-songwriter embarks on a poignant musical...
99 Songs
A new film.
The Incomplete Man