Do posledného dychu
Čisté ruky
Štvrtá hlava draka
This dramatic story is situated in the town of Trnava of the 18th century. Painter Peter paints an altar-piece of the Martyrdom of St. Juliet and his...
The Last Witch
Visiting Slovakian Racha to get antiquated with Slovakian wine-making techniques, Rachvelian from Georgia, Zauri, falls in love with Slovak Darina....
Racha, My Love
A television production based on Bozena Slančíková-Timrava's short stories about social and moral conditions in a Slovak village...
The Demise of Paľo Ročka
Vymodelujem more
Tou former boxers meet in the ring again after years for a re-run of an old match. The old loser currently works as a factory executive and he is...
The Champion
Víťazný pád
Timon Aténsky
Potopená katedrála
Zlaté jabĺčko
Blízke diaľavy
Hra na telo
Dni Turbinovcov
Ťaví zadok
Strieborný Neptún
Žena úspešného muža
An unusual children's film set during World War II in Czechoslovakia, this compelling drama unfolds five different segments that present the war...
The Song of the Grey Pigeon
The drama called I Love, You Love was made in 1980 but because of the absurd ideological ban, the film entered cinemas nine years later. Pišta...
I Love, You Love
Television adaptation of Roman Kaliský's play. Reconstruction of a trial with a journalist from the 1950s.
Koniec a začiatok
Čarodejný nápoj
Predčasné leto
Živý sen
A group of children discover the new continent of the world, uninhabited by adults. Soon, many other children are joining them in that new paradise,...
The Seventh Continent
Vrah zo záhrobia
Zbojnícky tanec
A classical ballad motif about an aging father and his three daughters is quite unusually here set against the backdrop of Czechoslovakia of the...
Three Daughters
Francois Villon – spor o básnika
Ľubica medvedica
Tri gaštanové kone
Traja svedkovia
Statky zmätky
Predajňa 044
Simultánka s Aľochinom
Anjel prichádza oknom
A story of a man threatened by a fatal illness evaluating his life (the number 322 in the film title stands for the diagnosis of one kind of cancer)....
Noc s mačkou
Plukovník Chabert
Posledný pohárik
Španielska gitara
Kamarátka Jana
Šediny doktora Ondáka
Vietor v starých stromoch
Karol Ketzer
Dosť dobrí chlapi
Kamenný chlapec
Muž, ktorý skorumpoval Hadleyburg
Príbelská vzbura Janka Kráľa
An alcoholic tries to rob an intellectual and suddenly recognises him as his childhood friend. They recall their childhood mischief and their...
Place of the World Istanbul
Moment kritického zaťaženia
Zakáľačka u starej mamy
Two repatriated soldiers search for stability and love when they return home after the First World War.
Field Lilies
Klenovič Ján
Ohnivé križovatky
Služobná cesta
Zimný semester
Milosrdný čas
Oddychový čas (pre sudcu)
Pražská terčovnica
Vinník bez viny?
Neďaleko do neba
Sólo pre Cantus firmus
The Sultan awaits the arrival of his son, Prince Omar, who has brought up in a distant land. The master tailor and his assistances are making clothes...
The False Prince
Juraj, a Slovak artist living in Prague, takes stock in his life, realizing that his days pass without purpose. He lives a carefree life. But now he...
The Prime of Life
A man changes his behavior according to the term of the year.
The Sweet Time of Kalimagdora
Vták nociar
Teta z Paríža
V hodine dvanástej
The story of the great strike of the workers building the Cervena Skala - Mergecany railway line
The Struggle Will End Tomorrow
Drevená krava
Revue za šest korun
Stilmondský Starosta
Kazko Vlasko a kráľ Času
Slané cukríky
This film is a psychological study of a woman who chooses solitude as an escape from the duplicity and emotional barrenness of the men around her.
Silent Joy
Schoolboys discover that if sitting in a certain rocky cliff area in the forest, they can memorize anything they read there for exams the following...
The Third Dragon