The story revolves around Hans, a kind-hearted but not particularly bright young man. He is bored on his father's farm. He would love to see...
Die Boten des Todes
Giulietta Di Messina a rich sensual European aristocrat (Romina Di Lella) has an unquenchable desire to be a lounge singer against her powerful...
Love, Hate & Security
Sarah works as a prostitute on the Reeperbahn in Hamburg. Her brother Markus and his best friend Djängo keep afloat with petty criminal deals....
Hellboy comes to England, where he must defeat Nimue, Merlin's consort and the Blood Queen. But their battle will bring about the end of the world, a...
As one of the most successful independent comic book creators, Mignola has inspired generations of writers and artists. This feature-length...
Mike Mignola: Drawing Monsters
War correspondent Nathan Hold is confronted with attacks on his person after his picture of a dead refugee child is published. Gone underground in...
The Man with the Camera