At the Café René in the small French commune of Nouvion everything is as usual. Chaos. René himself is trying to keep a straight...
'Allo 'allo emliga armén
Popular revue recorded for television
I Aftonstjärnans sekel
Glenn and Gloria are a couple who seek escapism via their daydreams.
Glenn & Gloria
Ulf think this is going to be an ordinary summer. Going to his grand parents and swim in the lake and tease his brother. But that's not the case,...
Percy, Buffalo Bill and I
Stage production of A Midsummer Night's Dream shot for television
En midsommarnattsdröm
Brännvin och fågelholkar: Söderkåkar reser västerut
Stall-Erik och snapphanarna is a Swedish film project that began filming in 1996 with a preliminary premiere in 2025. Director, producer and lead...
Stall-Erik and the Snapphans
The action takes place around the Ingeborg's cafe. The councilor Leif Aronsson has planned a trip to Denmark, but it must be set after he had a brief...
Virus i bataljonen
Hur blev Kurt den han blev? Varför blev han aldrig vald till klassens ordningsman? När kom Arne in bilden? Och vad hände när...
Kurt Olsson - filmen om mitt liv som mej själv
Egil (Knut Agnred) is just an ordinary painter. But one day, when he's about to paint a fence, incredible stuff starts to happen!