Dickie DiCenzo is a strong arm for the local crime family who has just been promoted to a hitman. After his cousin, Tommy, decides to stir up...
Making Bones
Set in 1964, a camera crew follows Willie Pep, retired featherweight boxing champion. Down and out in Hartford CT, married to a woman half his age...
The Featherweight
Two struggling ballerinas plunge into the world of stripping at a high-end club, only to find that with money and adoration comes crime and murder.
Midnight Hustle
Nadia Romanov and her father, Sergei Romanov, intercept a truck belonging to the cartel, stealing $40 million in cash and drugs. Nadia uses her...
Nadia’s Request
Set in Hartford CT, 1980's, a local man's dispute with a gangster leads to the downfall of many mobsters in New England. A powerful story of crime,...
Action movie.
Brooklyn Cop
Follows two brother private detectives as they solve the murder of a woman's husband. A case that was concluded as a suicide by local police.
She Cries Murder