Set during World War II, a German army garrison is sent to guard a mountain pass in a village in Romania's Carpathian mountains and sets up barracks...
The Keep
In 1916, a group of prisoners plot their escape from the notorious fortress located in French Guiana.
I Escaped from Devil's Island
After a stranger murders her brother, Dag sets out on the road to avenge his murder, toting a shotgun and leaving any restraint behind.
Bury Me an Angel
The TARDIS narrowly avoids becoming engulfed in a cobwebby substance in space. It arrives in the London Underground railway system, the tunnels of...
Doctor Who: The Web of Fear
Aspiring dancer Phyllis Dixey makes her name as a stripper.
The One and Only Phyllis Dixey
Murder is involved when an intruder is found in a large department store just after it closes.
Johnny has joined the army because he likes canoeing, but ends up in a war-torn city and is compromised into helping the enemy. However, desertion...
The Paradise Run
Play adapted from the diary of Eamonn Dunphy, the ex-Milwall and Ireland footballer. With a new season and a promising team, professional footballer...
Only a Game