After a terrible air disaster, survivor Max Klein emerges a changed person. Unable to connect to his former life or to wife Laura, he feels godlike...
Casper is a kind young ghost who peacefully haunts a mansion in Maine. When specialist James Harvey arrives to communicate with Casper and his fellow...
Ben Archer is not happy. His mother, Sandy, has just met a man, and it looks like things are pretty serious. Driven by a fear of abandonment, Ben...
Man of the House
Disguised aliens set up a pet shop in a dusty Arizona town, hoping to lure local children with their adorable extraterrestrial critters.
Pet Shop
Fed up with boarding school and frustrated with the way others have planned his life, John Baker Jr. wants a change -- anything to shake up his staid...
Gather the family 'round the home screen for this collection of some of Moonbeams coolest and creepiest monsters. It's the greatest moments from some...
Critters, Carnivores and Creatures