A teenager named Noriko Shimabara runs away from her family in Toyokawa, to meet Kumiko, the leader of an Internet BBS, She becomes...
Noriko's Dinner Table
A young teen's father dies, and he is sent to an orphanage. He's teased because he stutters almost runs away, until a beautiful, androgynous boy,...
Boy's Choir
Dr. Hattori and her husband watch footage of brain surgery experiments with Manchurian, Russian and Japanese guinea pigs that had been found in the...
The Sylvian Experiments
The life of a student named Kanou is transformed when a tiny man informs him that Earth will soon be annihilated. Kanou decides to do just as he...
The Last Days of the World
Jun, Bunji, Kido and Maki spend their days wandering aimlessly in the city of Kisarazu where sense of dread rules the streets while the adults around...