To rescue a famous criminal from imprisonment, Lupin and his team infiltrate the Kingdom of Dorrente. While the skillful thieves from around the...
Lupin the Third: Prison of the Past
A factory explosion plunges a small town into a timeless freeze, leaving teenage Masamune and his pals to grapple with a quickly collapsing reality.
It is August 12th. After the remote control to his boarding house's only air conditioning unit is inadvertently destroyed by spilled cola, "I"...
The Tatami Time Machine Blues
Years after the events that transpired in Kite, Sawa's whereabouts are a mystery. During this time, rumors of a new killer have begun to circulate...
Kite Liberator
A city shrouded in purple smoke is plagued by mass disappearances.
On the planet Latimer, Takeshi Kovacs must protect a tattooist while investigating the death of a yakuza boss alongside a no-nonsense CTAC.
Altered Carbon: Resleeved