This movie is based on Arita porcelain and its kiln. Yui, a 14-year-old girl, lives as a single-parent family with her father Nobuo and her...
Longing for Color
Twenty-five-year-old Momo has friends. Her parents live some distance away, but they sometimes get together to dine out. She dates an acceptable guy,...
Momo and the Seven Papagenos
Yatora is the perfect high school student, with good grades and lots of friends. It's an effortless performance, and, ultimately… a dull one....
Blue Period
The Bastard and the Beautiful World is an omnibus film consisting of four episodes. Fujiko is running as fast as she can, being chased after by a...
The Bastard and the Beautiful World
Their parents are dead. They should be sad, but they can't cry. So they form a kick-ass band. This is the story of four 13-year-olds in search of...
We Are Little Zombies
Wpc. 15th anniversary short movie
I'm still here
A girl starts running in a different direction from everyone else. If you have friends who run with you, you'll find the courage to keep running.
But I Saw You
In a fading village in the Japanese countryside, the school is about to be closed, which weighs heavily on the students. Freshly arrived from Tokyo...
Follow the Light