The true story of Neil and Ivan McCormick, two Irish brothers who attempt to become rock stars but can only look on as their high school friends U2...
Killing Bono
When Keira Woods' daughter mysteriously vanishes in the cellar of their new house in the country, she soon discovers there is an ancient and powerful...
The Cellar
Twin sisters Emma and Chantal couldn't be more unalike. When their parents leave them alone for the summer, their simmering sibling rivalry threatens...
Metal Heart
‘Flicker’ is a portrait of Danny (Peter Newington), a typical twenty-something Dubliner, who gets assaulted one night in a city centre...
A priest stationed in Tipperary, Ireland, is eager to return to Rome. Told he cannot do so until he has raised enough money for the building of a new...
Stella Days
One Halloween night, a smouldering suitcase was pulled off a bonfire in Dublin, saving a true story of love, loss and hope.
City of Roses
A young, discontented single mother must choose between her troubled son or the freedom she desperately craves after a chance encounter presents an...
Bestial Ones