Kajraare is a Bollywood film, released on October 15, 2010. The film is directed by Pooja Bhatt and stars Himesh Reshammiya and Mona Laizza. Himesh...
Prantabh and Anand, associated with a news channel in Delhi, are in search of a big scam to prove a point to their senior. A dead body accidentally...
O Teri
A hot-shot fashion and wildlife photographer Vikram gets into a relationship with Nisha. She moves in with him in his palatial house outside of the...
Murder 3
Barkhaa is a Bollywood Romantic film, directed by Shadaab Mirza and produced by Shabana Hashmi. It stars Sara Loren in lead titular role. The film...
A woman from Mumbai, aided by a photographer, struggles to achieve her goal of becoming a supermodel.
Ishq Click
Story of a girl who was thrown on garbage after being born as a result of prostitution, picked up by the servant of a rich man and was adopted by his...
Born Forbidden
The story of a professional classical dancer from prostitution market who wished to get married and become a mother, not knowing to whom will she...
Now settled into married life, Pervez and Sheikh jump at the chance to travel to Turkey with their wives to visit Pervez's well-to-do brother-in-law,...
Jawani Phir Nahi Ani 2
The story of a con artist in North India who convinces women to marry him just so he can live off their money.
Fraud Saiyaan
The film is a tragedy based on a courtesan 'Anjuman', who born from a rich noble father and a courtesan mother. After her father's death she and her...
The movies follows conspiracies against Aslam Bhai through which he has to save his family and honor.
After a failed suicide attempt, a man and a librarian fall in love in a rehabilitation center, where a kind-hearted doctor comes to their rescue.
Love Mein Ghum