Will Spanner, the reluctant heir to a dark legacy, is again thrown into battle against the forces of evil when a series of gruesome murders begins to...
Witchcraft 13: Blood of the Chosen
R. N. Renfield, once the slave of Dracula, is now an insane vampire stalking a modern day metropolis (Bayou City).
Renfield the Undead
In the summer of 1982, a group of campers was horribly slaughtered at Camp Arapaho in the sleepy little town of Woodland Hills. The 10 gruesome...
Two goofy hick brothers (Elvis and Aaron), their crazy redneck Momma and sexy sister (Prissy) must exorcise their mobile home of an ancient demon set...
Haunted Trailer
"Lars the Emo Kid" follows the story of Lars R. Hyde, a young man dealing with a series of crippling situations outside of his control. His best...
Lars the Emo Kid
A lone Knight must battle an army of the damned to save the Princess from an Evil Queen in this dark fairy tale.
Castle of the Damned
When a street smart "goth girl" (Roxy Vandiver) is forced to attend cheerleader camp as part of her rehabilitation from a juvenile correction...
Spirit Camp
In late 1980s, when times were fun, technology was changing, clothes were Rad and girls were Bad; there was one thing that didn't change, traditions....
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