A powerful new enemy appears in front of 3 gangs: Gokuraku Cho, Biisuto and Hiroshima Naitsu. Based on the manga "BADBOYS" by Hiroshi Tanaka...
BAD BOYS J The Movie -The Last Thing to Protect-
Mitsuko, a young student, encounters a series of horrifying incident set in alternate realities where people wind up dead in the most horrendous...
A man is found dead in a office of Takayanagi Ballet Company. The suspect is a female dancer at the ballet company. The Takayanagi Ballet Company...
Sleeping Forest
Aizawa Miharu (Takeuchi Yuko) receives an order to work for Cherry's Airlines from major airline. Cherry's Airlines is a low cost, budget carrier....
Cheap Flight!!
Ninkyo Yaro
A school teacher visits the home of a boy who's been absent from school for a long period of time, unaware of the horrific tragedy which occurred in...
Ju-on: The Beginning of the End
Terrace House: Closing Door is a 2015 Japanese film that acted as a continuation/ending to the Fuji Television reality show Terrace House: Boys...
Terrace House: Closing Door