High school student Yuki suffers from a chronic disease and has lost hope for living. One day she has a life-changing encounter with Aki, her...
The World of You
The Okura family has 650 years of history as performers of Japan's traditional stage art, Kyogen. One winter, Motonari Okura and his son, Yasunari,...
Bonfire at Dawn
Makoto Tanaka is 40-years-old and has remarried. His wife is Nanae and they care for 2 daughters from Nanae's prior marriage. Makoto tries to have an...
Dear Etranger
Haruko is a single mother. She has an unusual living arrangement. She lives with her son Riku, her friend Aiko and Aiko's boyfriend Sorao. One day,...
Around The Table
High school student, Yo, lived with her father, Nao, after her mother, Sachiyo, left the family when she was very young. However, their life together...
Skeleton Flowers