The film revolves around T.P. Balagopalan (Mohanlal), a middle class post-graduate salaried person, who wants to build himself and also needs to take...
T. P. Balagopalan M.A.
Enroute Madras via train, when three friends get falsely accused of a mysterious homicide, they escape and desperately search for the real killer.
No. 20 Madras Mail
Inspired by the Puranic story of Abhimanyu and his mother Subhadra, the film portrays the relationship of the protagonist with her baby, before and...
Chandini sees her father Krishnadas, Mayor of Cochin being killed by the rivals, but manages to escape from them and comes to Ooty. The needle of...
Kilukkam Kilukilukkam
LAL (Mohanlal) and his gang puts up posters and writings of Shyam (Rajkumar) and Swapna(Poornima Jayaram) in the college campus announcing their love...
Hello Madras Girl
Siblings Deepthi and Ravi are separated after their parents' divorce. After many years, Deepthi faces many challenges when she goes in search of Ravi.
Sindoora Sandhyakku Mounam