The film begins with a flashback from the titular character, Antoine. We are introduced to his fixation with female hairdressers which began at a...
The Hairdresser's Husband
The tumultuous affair between a young man and a woman twenty-five years his senior.
Three half-brothers are reunited at their mother's funeral. After being told of their inheritance they quickly spend the money, only to find out that...
The Three Brothers
Two friends organize a fake solidarity concert in order to seize the recipe. But their amateurism leads to many misunderstandings.
Charité biz'ness
A portrait of loneliness in contemporary France.
Somewhere, Someone
Bernard is in love with a water spider. He wants to replace his wife Catherine with the spider because she bores him. The spider transforms into a...
The Water Spider
Louis is a delivery boy, his wife Chantal is a supermarket salesgirl. Louis is bored, and decides to buy a truck and go to the Lebanon, but he has no...
Lucie sur Seine
Two tourists in Provence meet an old naive peasant painter who tells them the extraordinary story that happened in the village in 1890:...
L'envolée belle
In eighteenth-century France, a girl is forced against her will to take vows as a nun. Three mothers superior treat her in radically different ways,...
The Nun
In Bastia and the surrounding area, a deceived husband kills his rival in anger. But are things as simple as they seem?
Coup de sang
Odile is a business executive looking for a new, bigger apartment. Her younger sister Camille has just completed her doctoral thesis in history and...
Same Old Song