The story of Juliane, a young woman who learns how to take her fate in her own hands and to trust nobody but herself. The plot is set in the...
Two Penny Dance
I en lille 2-værelses baggårdslejlighed, på Vesterbro i København, bor den 14 årige Ester (Sofie Gråbøl)...
Barndommens gade
BIG PLANS follows the petty and irresponsible crook Willy, who has a massive fondness for music. Though he's 38 years of age he will not give up his...
Big Plans!
A film about one fourteen year old girl whose happy life ends when the family's economic status changes at the family firm crashes and her mother who...
Ballerup Boulevard
The satire group Magt presents "Supermagt", which is a new show from the six young men and a critical and humorous view of society. With "Supermagt"...
Magt - Supermagt
When emerging fashion model Emma gets a chance to pursue her dream of becoming an international top model, she leaves her everyday life in Denmark...
The Model
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