Investigator Alex is sent to the small town of Santa Brígida to solve the murder of the son of a wealthy family. Upon realizing other similar...
In a dystopian world, young people discover government secrets about the pandemic. While fighting oppression, they try to survive.
Distritc 666
It's just another luxury car being stolen on a street in São Paulo... or not. A thief easily gets into the SUV parked on a quiet street, but...
A Jaula
A lost penguin rescued from an oil spill transforms the life of a heartbroken fisherman. They become unlikely friends, so bonded that even the vast...
My Penguin Friend
Cartas para Deus
Brasilia, 1973. At the height of the military dictatorship, seven friends, young as the city in which they live, dream of living in theater. Led by...
Léo e Bia
Three teenagers go visit a friend at his old farmhouse for the weekend. What they didn't expect was to be stuck in the middle of a centenary war...
The Devil Lives Here
After a shooting assignment, Henrique is mugged by two armed motor-bikers who steal his camera and speed off. Seconds later, he watches both get hit...
A film created for NASA / CineSpace 2017. The Cosmos. Mankind. The meaning of Life.Come play with us.
Children of the Cosmos