Alisha Khanna, 30, ambitious, now finds herself at crossroads in life. Her six year long relationship has grown monotonous, her career seems to be...
Sukhpreet ‘Sukhee’ Kalra, a 38-year-old Punjabi housewife, goes to Delhi to attend her school reunion. Sukhee relives the 17-year-old...
A photographer invites her closest friends to vacation at her family's home in Goa in celebration of her upcoming marriage.
Angry Indian Goddesses
Budhni, a poor girl from Bihar’s Mushar community, is split between her desire to study and her family’s demand for marriage. She agrees...
Based on the true incident of the 2002 terrorist attack in Gujarat's Akshardham temple, the story revolves around the bravery of NSG commandos, who...
State of Siege: Temple Attack