This documentary follows the cast, crew and staff of the world-famous Public Theater as they prepare to mount an all-black adaptation of...
Reopening Night
An all-star cast tells the inside story of the Broadway theater, and how it came back from the brink thanks to innovative work, a new attention to...
On Broadway
A little girl lives in a custodian apartment inside a New York Public Library, where her father stokes its coal furnace 24/7. Decades later, actor...
When My Sleeping Dragon Woke
In this one-man Broadway show, John Leguizamo finds humor and heartbreak as he traces 3,000 years of Latin history in an effort to help his bullied...
John Leguizamo's Latin History for Morons
This documentary focuses on The Public Theater’s 2017 Public Works musical production of As You Like It, which was performed by 200 New Yorkers...
Under the Greenwood Tree
Raúl Juliá: The World’s a Stage is a warm and revealing portrait of the charismatic, groundbreaking actor’s journey from...
Raúl Juliá: The World’s a Stage