Strom vědění dobrého
Prokop Diviš
Před premiérou
And Nobody Weeps For Me
Chlapi jak se patří
Světlo bezesných nocí
Požehnaný věk
Based on a novel by Maria Majerova, this well-photographed but routine romantic drama is directed and co-scripted by Vaclav Krska. Set in a more...
The Day the Tree Blooms
Domácí strava je domácí strava
Kouzelné dřeváky
Pán na inzerát
Tonička z královské chalupy
Hmotná zodpovědnost
Dlouhá silvestrovská noc
Policejní hodina
Dlouhý týden
Dům na inzerát
Trojúhelníková podobnost
Gazdina roba
Léto bez dovolené
Soudce a drahokam
Sjezd abiturientů
Kruté štěstí
The lives of 7 friends in a small Czech town from 1945 to some time after 1958.
All My Good Countrymen
Komedie o Anešce, královně siciliánské
Jdi za zeleným světlem
Poslední etapa
Kaktus, bomba, letadlo
Zločincem proti své vůli
Čepice pro kašpárka
Míček Flíček
Ševci z Nummi
Deset dní za lásku
A Czech TV film adaptation of Budd Schulberg's novel The Harder They Fall, which had previously been made as the 1956 US movie of the same name...
The Harder They Fall
Brigitka a já
Jak se stal Rumcajs loupežníkem
Pohádkový zákon
Jak měl Rumcajs Cipíska
When he returns to Prague from a stint in the Army, Lada does not seem to fit in anywhere, and he cannot get the hang of the system of deliberately...
Who Looks for Gold?
A young teacher grows up in a small Slovak village during the Second World War.
Man Is Not Desirable
Zbojníci a žandáři aneb Jánošík
Skandál v Březůvce
Parcela 60, katastr Lukovice
Čas na hodinách
Konec Černého supa
Prodavač humoru
This downbeat, grim drama about three brothers who are reunited at their mother's funeral is actually visually as dark as its story, making it...
Noc smaragdového měsíce
This tale is about young Ludvik (Robert Nespor) an erstwhile, budding scientist whose practical sense leads him to experiment before his common sense...
The Explosion Will Be at Five
The comedy based on the novel of Zuzka Zguriška whose story takes place at the Myjavske Kopanice.
Bičianka z doliny
When a young princess, instead of being fully dedicated to her love, persists in running around like a tomboy and roaming the forests with her gang,...
The Frog Prince
Zlatá panna
Little Tom Thumb's evil stepmother exploits him amd makes his life very hard, so the little shepherd boy decides to leave home and seek happiness in...
The movie describes proletarian life in the Czech Lands after World War I.
Anna the Proletarian
Mikoláš Aleš
A fictionalized account of Czech soldiers who fought for the French Foreign Legion in Vietnam.
The Black Battalion
Second half of the 19th century. In a small town in South Bohemia, fifth-former Jan Ratkin is living through the confusions of first love together...
Silvery Wind
Czechoslovakian crime film
The Road Back
Případ korneta Jelagina
V rannej hmle
Trpká chuť slávy
Zlatý drak
Adieu, mládí
The year is 1936, the nervous atmosphere of the Nazi threat penetrates into the sport. Upgrade boxe Vilda Jakub will compete with German Kurt...
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