"Held For A Moment" is a 20-minute live-action short film inspired by real-life testimonies, following the journey of a young woman after a traumatic...
Held for a moment
Best – His Mother’s Son (BBC Two) was a gloomy drama about Ann Best, mother of George, who was strictly teetotal until her mid-40s, when...
Best: His Mother's Son
Inspired by the true events of the infamous 1983 prison breakout of 38 IRA prisoners from HMP Maze, which was to become the biggest prison escape in...
A teenage girl unexpectedly spends an evening with her father's hired escort. Despite an initial prejudice a bond develops between them as the escort...
Penny is dead. She can't really remember how it happened. All she knows is she has to save the souls of 1000 people on the verge of suicide before...
Penny From Heaven
Noah and Katrina return to the island paradise of Tobago, where they fell in love three years ago. However, when Noah's marriage proposal is...
Learning to Breathe
John, a 35-year-old window cleaner, has dedicated his life to bringing up his 4-year-old son, Michael, after the child's mother left them soon after...
Nowhere Special