Set in the late 1950s, 'Penny' captures the energy and style of the iconic drive-in era in Australia. This short film follows Timmy (Jason Agius), a...
Ben Hall is drawn back into bushranging by the reappearance of his old friend John Gilbert. Reforming the gang, they soon become the most wanted men...
The Legend of Ben Hall
It’s Valentine’s Day, 2012 in Melbourne, Australia. A Vietnamese prostitute named Pisces is conned to her cocoon. She searches for true...
Butterfly Flower
'Time Apart' explores a long distance relationship with a sci fi twist - when Seb starts mysteriously vanishing for years at a time, girlfriend Nina...
Time Apart
Amira, an avid gardener living in a company town controlled by the powerful EdenCorp, is shattered by the sudden and mysterious death of her husband....
Blood & Bone