Second installment of omnibus series Deka Matsuri. 10 films made under the conditions "The main character must be a female detective" "the film must...
Kaettekita! Deka Matsuri
The female group "Die Hard Angels" of the Police Department's Investigation Division 1 begins a physical investigation to destroy a vicious organized...
Die Hard Angels 2
Miho (Kaho), a high school student, refuses to approve of her widowed mother’s potential husband when they meet each other at a restaurant. As...
Tokyo Girl
Bad things happen when innocent blood is shed. In the early 1700s, Lord Sodom Ichibei is happily celebrating his wedding day when his wife-to-be...
Sodom the Killer
One morning, Haruki comes to school wearing goggles. His classmates make fun of him as usual, but the goggles are meant to hide the bruises from the...
It is 1853. Atsuko, adopted daughter of Shimazu Nariakira of the Satsuma clan and known to history as “Atsu-hime”, is en route by...
Atsuhime No.1
High school student Juri leaps to her death. Afterwards, Juri wanders to her house, school and street. She feels loneliness as nobody else is able to...
What I Long For
Each time Lulu is heartbroken small stones come out of her body. The doctor tells Lulu they are kidney stones. She collects them in memoriam of love.
Seventh Anniversary
The 2010 theatrical two-part series of the immensely popular ghost story franchise. Starring the top idol of Hello! Project, Erina Mano, who takes on...
Kaidan Shin Mimibukuro Kaiki Tsukimono
Ichiko and Eri are two beautiful Japanese Uni students who are in a lesbian relationship. Ichiko comes out to her father who tells her he is also gay...
Love My Life
Nibanme no kanojo
A new horror TV drama by six up-and-coming directors, set in a school built on land where a legend of a priestess who was slaughtered by warriors 400...
Rensakaidan ~a chain of curses~ Vol.3
Based on 16-year-old writer Sarie Hinakura’s award winning story Jellyfish is centered around two adolescent girls disconnected from their...
Two female lovers meet in a college class. After graduation, they run a temp company which is the front for a detective agency dealing in blackmail...
I Am Juice
After his father figure - a yakuza boss, is murdered, Azusa Moribe goes on a killing spree to exact revenge.
The Man in White
A rowdy, young yakuza takes revenge against a gang of thousands for the death of his boss.
The Man in White Part 2: Requiem for the Lion
A group of female commandos confront evil criminals Zombie-Man and Zombie-Woman.
Die-Hard Angels (Project Zombie Annihilation)
Based on the comic book series by Tamiko Akaboshi.
Love is Always Almond Pink
Based on the comic book by Hiroyuki Murata.
The Monster Bus
Slice of life drama about a couple and their young disabled daughter.
Home of Acorns
A young, mentally retarded boy is wrongfully accused of murder, but his family lacks the means to hire an attorney to defend him. The boy’s...
Pro Bono
Shuji Kanzaki, who lives in the underworld of Manila, winds up in a fierce battle with Japan's biggest gangster.
Manila Gokudo Wars
Washio now reigns as boss of Tendokai, but a deal over casino operating rights ignites a fierce war with a hostile faction in the Kansai region.
Conflict III
At the end of October, Sueko Yamane, a widow living alone, is strangled to death in her home in the Togura district on the outskirts of Matsuyama...
The Passed Scene
The 2010 theatrical two-part series of the immensely popular ghost story franchise. Starring Hello! Project's No. 1 idol, Erina Mano, who takes on a...
Kaidan Shin Mimibukuro Kaiki Nozomi
Tsukimono - Ayumi Kirishima is a college student who has just completed her second interview with a prospective employer. Ayumi then takes a bus to...
Kai-Ki: Tales of Terror from Tokyo