Leonidas, a young, ambitious police officer, is assigned to a remote island in the Aegean Sea. He dreams of solving important crimes, but there are...
Small Crime
The story of a couple married for 10 years who decide to end their relationship without understanding the implications of this separation for their...
Within Love
The events take place in a small Albanian village, around the '30ies. This isolated land, dominated by rituals and patriarchal relationships is the...
Father and Godfather
Stella is a beautiful young girl who dreams of becoming one day a famous singer. Her boyfriend Andreas leads a quiet life working at his small store,...
Edge of Night
Petros is a gay archaeologist who experiences the naked Greek paranoia in the center of Athens. Either by choice or coincidence, he comes into...
7 Kinds of Wrath
Mentor Hasa, a senior officer of the State Security, finds himself from a "spy" into a tapped man and his life takes a dramatic turn. His last wish...
The Last Wish
This Greek-Bulgarian-Cypriot co-production depicts the plight of Albanian illegals in Athens and its Piraeus port. Greek intellectual Christos (Akis...
See You
Albania in the 1960s, the city of Gjirokastra. Katya, a graduate of the Philology Department of Moscow State University, marries an Albanian, a young...