A young woman of about 17 years old, named Meryem (Ozgu Namal), has been raped, and her village's customs call for her to be killed to restore honor...
The film tells the tale of a man who gets involved in smuggling. Hasan works as a steward on a ship. During their trip to Marseilles, he makes a deal...
The Man in the Street
A love story following two young people battling with their emotions and dreams, the pressures of career, family and not knowing what the future...
As Georgios Vizneyos, one of Greece's greatest authors, degenerates in an Athens mental asylum, the tale of another story-teller, his grandfather,...
The Only Journey of His Life
Cabir believes he killed a man while fleeing the police in the Turkish-Greek-Bulgarian border area. His feelings of guilt pursue him like a ghost....
The Escape
"Letters from Silivri" draws on letters of the Turkish philanthropist and public intellectual Osman Kavala to document a timeline of his...
Letters from Silivri
Veteran homicide cop Fermanand his hot-headed partner İdris team up with rookie cop and anthropology major Hasan to investigate the murder of a...
Hunting Season