The South African multi-award winning film about a young South African boy from the ghetto named Tsotsi, meaning Gangster. Tsotsi, who left home as a...
After engaging in an illicit affair with one of his pupils, teacher Parker Sithole spirals into an abyss of obsession that eventually turns to...
Of Good Report
Black comedy about cocaine users in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Gums and Noses
When two corrupt police officers investigate the brutal murder of a young girl, tensions come to a head in their small, racially-segregated town.
Wild Is the Wind
Meet Melusi is a moving story of fatherhood and finding the real meaning of life.
Meet Melusi
Inspired by true events, this film takes place in Rwanda in the 1990s when more than a million Tutsis were killed in a genocide that went mostly...
Hotel Rwanda
Thousands of years in the future, a laborer whose job is to recover artifacts of the past tries to free herself from a dystopian caste system.
Still Born
A special crimes investigator forms an unlikely bond with a serial killer to bring down a global child sex trafficking syndicate.
I Am All Girls