Upon the death of her mother, Ito Kana, who is currently working for a living in Tokyo, decides to return to her hometown of Okuhida, Gifu. Due to...
Gattan Gattan Soredemo Go
A dragon fish is stolen by Tetsu Tobiyama and biologist Thomas Earwing seeks its return. Poo is led to Natsuro after she worms her way into a top...
Fried Dragon Fish
Ghostly horror film based on the original story by horror manga artist Kanako Inuki, adapted from various horror episodes.
House of the Ghosts ~Kanako Inuki's World of Fear~
In January 1946 a British military transport plane departs from Shanghai on its to Tokyo, Japan. During the flight the airplane makes an emergency...
Fly, Dakota, Fly!
1995 DTV Japanese film. Based on Ayumi Tachihara's manga.
Abayo Hakusho
High school student Mio (Mari Iriki) lives in Kagoshima. Since her novelist father was lost, she has refused to go to school and lived on her...
Goldfish in Sea
Follows Satoru, a successful businessman who relinquishes everything to pursue his true calling: the happiness of humankind.
Kawai Joji, an aspiring screenwriter who has won a screenplay competition but has yet to make his professional debut, meets a beautiful woman, Naomi,...
Chijin no Ai
Ultraman Tiga: The Final Oddysey was sort of an epilogue of the Ultraman Tiga series. Just when we thought that the world is safe, it's under attack...
Ultraman Tiga: The Final Odyssey