In a small town, every inhabitant lives his daily life without asking too many questions and ignoring the disappearance of some women, until one day...
In search for her missing sister, a young woman takes a job as a nurse to a young boy in a coma and hunts for clues in his sinister family home.
The Demon's Child
Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a...
The Wicked Gift
Three robbers on the run to a new life cross their way with a woman and her son and with the tragic curse they're bringing. On their trail, the mob...
Road to Hell
Richard is desperate: he must try to get back his daughter taken away from him by his ex-wife who reduced him to poverty. When he meets Sasha, an...
Die In One Day
Rebecca is on the trail of her sister, a young journalist who disappeared while investigating a series of unfortunate events. Her research leads her...
Village Of The Vampire
After a terrible trauma on her birthday, Emma chooses not to celebrate it again. But when she turns 21, a friend of her breaks the ritual with a...