Three stories everyday madness. A retired headmaster angers me when I see the marks of his granddaughter and soon discovers that most education is...
Each With Their Own Madness...
A country kid enters a physical education college that prepares future champions. Rookie as he is, he is teased by his classmates. But he does not...
Ένας Πρωτάρης Στο Κολλέγιο!
Παπαδίστικη Κομπανία
Η σταρ και ο κλέφτης
When Tamtakos' house is brought down by the bulldozer a record company makes him a proposition for a new band.
Γύφτικη Κομπανία
The trial of a young rapist and murderer becomes the reason for his past to be revealed, through the telling of events that preceded the...
Καταζητείται το πρόσωπο της ημέρας