The film is set in a small town where two modest couples find themselves caught up in a game of life & death with a vicious gang after the discovery...
Ash & Dust
Scientists find meteor in Arctic. It kills one, infects the other. Nearby base takes in survivor to investigate incident. Survivor's identity raises...
Blood and Snow
Follows Helen and her daughter Lauren, who go on a trip to an isolated cabin in the cold north and meet a hitchhiker who actually is a thief trying...
Ice Road Killer
When a series of murders in the run up to Christmas are found to be linked, FBI Special Agent Natalie Parker is tasked with tracking a pair of...
The Nights Before Christmas
Publicist Alyssa Banks thinks she’s woken up in a fairy tale when she meets Jack, a British Prince. At first, everything seems to be going...
Stalked by a Prince
Book one followed a family of sadistic butchers, living in the backcountry, who see anyone that crosses their path as dead meat. In “Butchers...
Butchers Book Two: Raghorn
The crew of USS Titan find themselves on the brink of World War 3 with Russia, when a naked stowaway appears in one of their torpedo tubes. The...
What Lurks Beneath
A gang of bank robbers take shelter in a motel after a Christmas Eve bank heist. Unbeknownst to them, they are not the most dangerous thing seeking...
Silent Bite
Two schoolboy delinquents learn a lesson that they will never forget when a teacher at the end of his tether decides to abduct them.
The Lesson
A family of sadistic butchers lives deep inside the backcountry. From the dead of winter to the dog days of summer, anyone who crosses their path is...
A rare parasite has contaminated a local meat processing plant and tactical police are sent in, but all is not what it appears.
When the famous outlaw Henry Baker is released from prison after 25 years, old friends and enemies are waiting for him. The son he left behind,...
Two Deaths of Henry Baker