An in depth look at the full effect of State Lotteries on the players and the people around them.
Out of Luck
The story of one of the great environmental disasters to befall the United States, and the terrible movie that helped bring the catastrophe to light.
The Conqueror: Hollywood Fallout
An exploration of the making of b-movie sci-fi cult classic "The Creeping Terror" and its con-man director Art "A.J." Nelson/Vic Savage.
The Creep Behind the Camera
A notorious political satirist conceals his identity and poses as a political candidate.
Vote Jesus: The Chronicles of Ken Stevenson
LINCOLN IS CRYING: The Grifters, Grafters and Governors of Illinois is a scathing indictment of politics in the "Land of Lincoln"...and it's funny...
Lincoln is Crying: The Grifters, Grafters, and Governors of Illinois