During the reign of the 11th Shogun, a series of supernatural incidents occur every night in the Edo Castle. A beautiful inspector appears with...
The Vampire Inspector
Grandfather Fuyukichi Takano, a former university professor, gets fired from his museum job when he is affected by Alzheimer's disease, but his...
Gray Sunset
The romance between a young girl and a much older salaryman.
New Joyful Embarrassing Story
A writer haunted by the death of his wife and threatened by the imagined infidelities of his lovers uses his affairs for the subjects of his novels.
Dark Room
A travel writer on an assignment comes across a murder, tries and fails to chase down the criminal. He notices the corpse was switched for another...
Murder on the Sanriku Coast
2 years ago, Kumi broke up with Shuhei and decided to forget everything about him for good. However, after being told that her younger sister, Junko,...
Onna no Iji