Ângelo arrives at his grandmother's house in Minas Gerais. There, a small chest full of coins and an enigma were discovered, supposedly left by...
O Segredo dos Diamantes
"Um Lobo entre os Cisnes” tells the story of Thiago Soares, a boy from the suburbs of Rio who leaves hip hop behind and embarks on the world of...
Um Lobo entre os Cisnes
Inspired by the illegal universe of the Brazilian animal lottery, a fearless young man must win a deadly race to save his sister in a dystopian...
Animal Race
Two sisters with very different personalities and who have not spoken with each other for years come together to fulfill their grandfather’s...
Leonardo is a blind teenager dealing with an overprotective mother while trying to live a more independent life. To the disappointment of his best...
The Way He Looks
"Pureza" tells a story of a mother, Pureza, who goes in search of her son, Abel, disappeared after leaving for the mining in the Amazon.