Esmat Abu Shanab (Yasmin Abdul Aziz) is a female police officer who works in an administrative position and tries in various ways to work on field...
Abu Shanab
This satirical comedy revolves around Tatah, a maladjusted, poor man from Abdeen who befriends a woman online with help from his nephew. Just as his...
Businessman Sayed Fawzy offers a reward of ten million pounds to those who help him find his daughter who had been missing for twenty years now....
The plastic surgeon Makram Abu Al-Makarim works with the Mafia and assisted by his nurse, Sahar is pursued by a reporter who is making a field...
Dr. Silicon
Yearning to get back with Ehab, Salma finds her loveless marriage, his devastating secret, and society’s opinions stand in their way.
The film follows the story of three boys and a girl who are connected by a deep friendship that was not affected by Mai's departure from the country...
4 Cotshina
When three sisters inherit a cabaret named Bonne Soirée, two of them are thrilled with the influx of money it grants them but the third...
Bonne Soirée
In a house the popular area, Abdeen, live Haha and his sister, Tuffaha, Haha works as "Nubachi" whose duty is to collect gift money thrown at belly...
Haha we Tofaha