Nie je Adam ako Adam
Optimizor č. 1.
A comedy about a lost inheritance, love and a red umbrella, which, according to a local legend, belonged to St. Peter himself.
St. Peter's Umbrella
Šťastie príde v nedeľu
Mr. Angel goes winter sporting and at the same time investigates his son's fiancee.
Angel in the Mountains
Adieu Artúr
On this naive and awkwardly narrated fairy tale it is remarkable that it also established the tradition of fairy tale stories in Slovakia. A certain...
Pán a hvezdár
Vždy možno začať
Keď chybí trombón
Odhalenie Alžbety Báthoryčky
O nosatom kuchárovi a nohatom drotárovi
Revue na scestí
Výnosné miesto
Čarokrásna pani majstrová
Drama about the rebellion of the Trencín Infantry Regiment against its superior officers in the Serbian city of Kragujevac, at the end of the...
Kráľ sa zabáva
A story of a man threatened by a fatal illness evaluating his life (the number 322 in the film title stands for the diagnosis of one kind of cancer)....
Majster zlodejského cechu
Husliar a sirota
Šediny doktora Ondáka
Zelená košeľa
Ežo Vlkolinský
Kazko Vlasko
Two repatriated soldiers search for stability and love when they return home after the First World War.
Field Lilies
Celý svet nad hlavou
A comedy film taking an ironic view of the bourgeois period prior to the First World War.
Modern version of Snowhite fairytale. Girl Katka is frustrated and restless. She escapes from home and find herself in the orphanage. Seven orphan...
Let the Princess Stay with Us
Krutá ľúbosť
A comedy about five students who are un-justly suspected of trying to lose their virginity before their graduation. The five girls first try to...
A Pact with the Devil
Two friends, who go hunting meet a woman who questions their practice.
The Royal Chase
Strong-willed peasant girl Katka disobeys her father and heads to the city to work in a factory, where no one knows quite what to make of her.
Kozie mlieko
Lazy sa pohly
Žena z Vrchov
A tale about a young girl whose grandfather has built a garden of horrors.
Ghosts of the Dormers