Taking its title from an archaic Japanese word meaning "ghost story," this anthology adapts four folk tales. A penniless samurai marries for money...
The evil Hikita clan rises from the dead to fulfill a curse on the Satomi clan by restoring the face of their warlord by using the skin of Princess...
Legend of the Eight Samurai
Only Child
A Japanese woman writes down three stories she has witnessed or heard of in her diary, each about the difficult situation a young woman finds herself...
An Inlet of Muddy Water
Ryô is a young leopard, Maki a rhythmical wave. The barrier between a teacher and a student gives way to the passionate embrace of a man and a...
Forbidden Affair
TV drama based off the play of the same name by Yukio Mishima.
The Rokumeikan
It was five years ago when Minako spent a night with Sozo, younger brother of her ex-husband. She now lives in a local town with a rich old man who...
Shadow of Deception
Saito Masao reminisces on the days of his youth more than 50 years ago and his forbidden love of his older cousin Tamiko. When he was 15, Tamiko...
The Wild Daisy
Story exposes free-sex among highschool students.
Sex Revolution
Mayumi Ogawa stars in the tale of a Turkey miss—basically a prostitute who services men in Turkish baths—whose plans to get rich in the...
Night Scandal in Japan
His bloodline damned by a witch, Waldemar Daninsky heads to Japan to seek a cure for his werewolf curse.
The Beast and the Magic Sword
Junai Monogatari AKA Story of Pure Love is about two poor youths, Mitsuko and Kando, rebelling against society in various ways, who are desperately...
The Story of Pure Love
In this Japanese drama, a village girl goes to Tokyo and becomes a hooker to support her ailing mother. While there she meets an unmarried teacher...
The Twilight Story
Port City Blues
The Forbidden Fruit