Momok I is a horror film that combines several ghost stories in one film that is Pontianak, Penunggu, Kucing Hitam, Pocong and Bunian. This story is...
Momok I
Tells a story about a group of special unit force led by Roslan, who has been trying to bring down a robbery gang led by a guy named Asyraff.
KL Special Force
The story of the romance between the King of Siam (now Thailand) and the widowed British school teacher Anna Leonowens during the 1860s. Anna teaches...
Anna and the King
"Akhirat", very poignantly, shows the relentless strife of a woman, Mira (Vanidah Imran), who struggles her entire life after knowing she is...
Mas Ayu is a modern woman of the 90s: independent, career-minded and attractive. Except at night, when strange dreams of spiders haunt her sleep and...
Black Widow Wajah Ayu
Ella back to Kuala Lumpur for the summer holidays from London as forced by her mother to celebrate her wedding anniversary 20th with her...
Patah Seribu