One little girl lived in the country. She was a model child, everybody admitted it, but it cannot be denied that she was more or less of a cry-baby...
Dr. Budd is a New York physician specializing in "beauty". His business is successful but he is still plagued by money problems. One day he gets an...
The Beauty Shop
With unpaid actors and staff, the stage show Phantom Sweetheart seems doomed. To complicate matters, the box office takings have been robbed and the...
On With the Show!
An American family in need of some money decides to pull a little innocent scam on a wealthy English relative.
Uncle's Namesakes
In the 1850s twin girls fall in love with the same young man, and must struggle with their feelings once he goes off to fight in the Civil War.
Their One Love
Helen Randall and Ruth Foster were little tots. The two children lived side by side on one of the fashionable streets in New York City. One day Helen...
The Little Girl Next Door
The simple story of a heroic dog that saves the day appealed to audiences (especially with a well-trained animal as attractive and energetic as...
Shep's Race with Death
Their Great Big Beautiful Doll
A Bird of Prey
The Bubbles in the Glass
The Flying Twins