Michael Hero, a powerful CEO, seeks vengeance for the murder of his grandson by offering a one-million-dollar bounty for the assassination of his...
In the Bezonians social club in North London, A group of down and outs scheme, plot and dream of becoming rich and breaking out of the monotony of...
The Bezonians
The stoic chronicles of Castor, orphaned as a child, forced to survive in the wild and his colorful journey through the criminal underworld of London.
Original Gangster
An intertwining tale of sex, drugs, rock and woe. Lives criss-cross and converge thanks to the most addictive drug in human history, Red...
Red Devil
When her 9-year-old daughter’s dreams of becoming a gymnast are on the line, a mother behind bars struggles to keep her whereabouts a secret....
A modern day tale of love, black comedy and scientific daring, The Abomination tells the story of Adam, a man brought back to life by an eccentric...
A modern day tale of good vs evil, secret societies, sorcery and Satan.
Righteous Villains
Ten years after he was last seen, a vicious mob enforcer returns home to find his son and methodically track down the gang that double-crossed him....