The Spats go on a camping trip that begins with the destruction of their cabin and ends with them being pursued by bandits, a railroad bull, and the...
The Great Outdoors
In the 16th episode of Hal Roach's Spat Family series, the Spats order a fire engine from a mail catalogue-- and soon they'll need it!
Hot Stuff
Second release in 'The Spat Family' series of 2-reel comedies. In this episode the three of them win a yacht in a tombola and quarrel over the...
Heavy Seas
Newlyweds Angelica and J. Tewkesbury Spat along with Mrs. Spat's brother Ambrose decide to build a house. It is finished in only 48 hours, but their...
Let's Build
A dog is stolen from his home in England and shipped to Canada to become a sled dog. Based on the novel by Jack London.
The Call of the Wild