A military base. An awkward soldier. A statue of Bach. And suddenly all guns in the area change into music instruments. Great mystery is immediately...
If a Thousand Clarinets
Věra Lukášová
Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera
Princezna Pampeliška
Jegor Bulyčov
Neohrožený Mikeš
Vyloženě rodinná historie
Czech television production of Dracula that is very faithful to Bram Stoker's novel.
Count Dracula
Román lásky a cti
More v kvapke vody
Nová metoda malíře Smithe
Tichý svědek
Lemuel Gulliver (Lubomír Kostelka) has had a car accident and continues his journey across the unknown countryside on foot. On the road he...
Case for a Rookie Hangman
Cestující se připraví k odletu
Žofka z Janovic
Lupa je tlustý sklo
Zatmění všech sluncí
Čertův švagr
An old man is wandering round a badly signposted and as yet mostly under construction Prague housing estate looking for the high rise block into...
Panelstory or Birth of a Community
Smích se lepí na paty
Domácí víno
Naši furianti
Dva šlechtici z Verony
The Seven Ravens