Momok III is a horror film that combines several ghost stories in one film that is Dendam Maisarah, Penunggu Pusaka and Roh Jelmaan. This story is a...
Momok III
Aishah (Diana Danielle) is a young woman living during the Japanese Occupation of Malaya, who, after being knocked unconscious while escaping from...
Sembunyi: Amukan Azazil
A woman struggles with trauma and questions about her future as she pieces together the potentially tragic events following her rescue from a car...
Sayu Yang Syukur
The story is about a Mat Rempit named Madi who works as a dispatch boy by day and street racer by night. As a Mat Rempit, his activities at night...
Following the popular 2012 drama series of the same name, this movie welcomes back the huge, chaotic family of Haj Iskandar, his wife Mak Jah, his...
Keluarga Iskandar